Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Harmony In Green

CT tag featuring the magical art of Alena Lazareva 
& the wonderful IB Elias Chatzoudis 127-1
Scrap by Ladyhawwk Designs. The
harmony of nature is displayed
in the various shades of greens.Nature
displays her colors in a way that is beautiful. 

Saturday, August 27, 2016

CT Tag - Cute n Sassy

CT Tag for Ladyhawwk Designs using an amazing kit that she made for this month's bonus tube by Enys Guerrero - filled with the elegance and magic that make her kits so unique.  This kit has lots of pinks, golds, and just a touch of vintage floral which combine to soothing perfection.  I decided to go a little bit cute and sassy on mine, she looks like she is up to a little bit of mischief and sweetness, so it is all for a great cause!  You can purchase this kit exclusively at CDO here.  I used with a super cute retired bonus tube by PinUp Toons.  You can check out the other tubes available for purchase here at CDO as well.  There is a retired bonus tube special going on right now, check out the details here, but hurry it is only until the end of this month.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

CDO IB-Dean Yeagle-25-1

LadyHawwk Designs
CDO IB-Dean Yeagle-25-1
Purchase HERE

CT Tag by Michele (Always Creations)

CDO IB-Elias Chatzoudis-127-1

LadyHawwk Designs
CDO IB-Elias Chatzoudis-127-1
Purchase HERE

CT Tag by Michele (Always Creations)

Saturday, August 20, 2016

CT Tut-Beauty

Using the beautiful IB Elias Chatzoudis 172-1 kit that can be bought exclusively at CDO, This kit is full of bold beautiful colors to match the equally bold tube.

Tutorial found


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Perfect Moment

CT tag featuring the amazing art of Enys Guerrero 
featuring her August 2016 Bonus Tube.
I have her paired her with the 
IB Enys Guerrero August 2016 Bonus
Sometimes, the magic of an 
absolute perfect moment, 
cannot be described with words
but must be illustrated with art.

CDO Reading Collab

LadyHawwk Designs
CDO Designer Reading Collab
This is no longer available

CT Tag by Michele (Always Creations)

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Elias Wonderland CT Tags

I created these tag with "ScrapLHD_EliasChatzoudis-Package-186" by Ladyhawwk Designs
You can find the bundle here:

*CT* Tutorial - At Sea

New *CT* Tutorial - At Sea
Using just the elements from a scrap kit by LHD Scraps!
Second sample also features the art of PinUp Toons!


Saturday, August 13, 2016

~*CT Tags & Wallpaper Freebie*~ "Smile" for Ladyhawwk Designs (CDO)

Artist ©Elias Chatzoudis
Individual Tube 89-1

WALLPAPER 1920 X 1080

Inspired By Kit 
Ladyhawwk Designs
This can be used with ANY artists tubes
Purchase this delightful kit

Friday, August 12, 2016

~*CT Tag*~ "Read or Play?" CDO-Reading Room Collab 2016

Artist ©Cartoon Pink
June 2016 Bonus Tube
(tube not sold in store)
Purchase Cartoon Pink's tubes

Buy ANY three kits from CDO
and get this collab for FREE!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

CT Tutorial - Club Tropicana

New *CT* Tutorial - Club Tropicana
Using the awesome art of Cuddly Rigor Mortis and matching scrap kit from LHD Scraps!!

Tube/Kit Bundle:

Saturday, August 6, 2016

~*CT Timeline Set*~ Pinâ Colada

Artist ©Cuddly Rigor Mortis
Individual Tube 93-1

Inspired By Kit 
Cuddly Rigor Mortis 93-1
Ladyhawwk Designs

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

CT Tag & Wallpaper ~ A Time's Moment

CT Tag for Ladyhawwk Designs using a stunning kit made to match a steampunk-themed tube by Martin Abel, such a pretty tube for an amazing era.  The romance of the era is alive and strong in this kit in shades of light purples and creams mix to bring together to show the love of steampunk and also the elegance of it all.  You can purchase this kit exclusively at CDO here.  I decided to use with the tube by Martin Abel that inspired this kit, such a stunning tube and so perfect with the kit.  You can purchase this tube and others of his art as well at CDO here.  There is also a matching wallpaper on Tonya's blog here.

Smile Every Time

CT tag featuring the adorable art of Marika
& the IB Elias Chatzoudis 89-1 Scrap by
Her puppy brings a smile to her face every
time she greets her