Thursday, December 31, 2015

CT Tag -CDO Designers New Years Collab

LadyHawwk Designs
CDO Designers New Years Collab
This kit is no longer availabe

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Best Day Ever

With Spongebob now stuck in my head,
hey I have kids he has found his way
into my head more than once.
Anyways, this CT tag features
IB Dean Yeagle 37-1 Scrap by Ladyhawwk Designs
Animation by Rebel Dezigns from Package 14
Animation bySophiscatSimone from Package 136

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

CT Tag: Celebrate The New Year

Good Afternoon All! Today, I am here to show off a new design 
featuring the Celebrate the New Year Kit by Ladyhawwk Designs 
and a new (new to Anna Liwanag Tube.


This kit is jam packed with sparkly Gold, Silver and White Elements 
to make those great New Year designs.

Here is what I made using this kit:

~*CT Tags*~ Party Time (New Years)

Scrap Only Tag

Artwork ©Maryline Cazenave
Individual Tube 48-3

*Inspired By Kit*
Anna Liwanag December 2015 BT
This inspired by kit can be used with any artists tubes.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Inner Beauty

CT tag featuring the beautiful scrap
Inner Beauty by Ladyhawwk Designs.
A woman who has discovered
her true inner beauty, will 
shine with a confidence &
a beauty unlike any other.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Celebrate the New Year

CT Tag & Timeline set for Ladyhawwk Designs using her stunning newly released kit Celebrate the New Year.  This is a mini kit and packed full of gorgeous goodies to make those fun new years tags but also you can use this for any time of celebration tag - so many options with it and with a special elegance that you will always find in Cat's amazing scrapkits.  This lady is getting all dressed up for the big new years party and ready for an incredible evening out.  You can purchase this kit exclusively at CDO here.  I used with a gorgeous tube by Barbara Jensen, whose beautiful tubes are available for purchase in her store here.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Monday, December 21, 2015

Precious Pout

CT tag featuring the art of Dean Yeagle
& the IB Dean Yeagle 25-1 Scrap by Ladyhawwk Designs.
Wonder why she is pouting?
Something must not of gone her way.
But gosh, even with a pout she is adorable.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

New Year's Eve Stars

CT tag featuring
Art by Barbara Jensen - CDO Exclusive Tube
Celebrate The New Year scrap by Ladyhawwk Designs
Rebel Dezigns Animation 499 - Animation pack 166
She is ringing in the New Year among the stars.
Surrounded by elegance and celebratory items,
the light of the stars will make the party shine.
Tonight, wishes shall be made for the coming year.

CT *Celebrate The New Year*

CT for ladyhawwk Designs
I am featuring her NEW *Celebrate The New Year* kit. 
This kit has gorgeous New Year Elements, Frames, Papers and Word Art.
Perfect for those elegant New Year Tags.
This kit is available ONLY at CDO:
I am using the gorgeous art of Jennifer Janesko
Jennifer Janesko Individual Tube 69-3

CT Tut-Pretty Lil Pout

Love the blues and pinks in this kit..the beautiful flowers that are there too...So fun to work with this kit..

Tutorial found

IB Dean Yeagle 25-1 is a must have!

Friday, December 18, 2015

CT Tag - Tranquil Winter

LadyHawwk Designs
CDO Mini Tranquil Winter
Purchase HERE

CT Tag - Unforgettable

LadyHawwk Designs
CDO Mini Scrapkit - Classy Christmas
Purchase HERE

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


❀CT Ladyhawwk Designs❀

Tube here
Kit here

CT Tag: Christmas Time

Good Morning All! Today I went a little nutty with this kit 
by Ladyhawwk Designs called Christmas Time. I paired this kit with a Cuddly Rigor Mortis
Tube, a Melissa Dawn Tube and a Zindy Tube.

Tube 1: HERE
Tube 2: Retired Bonus
Tube 3: HERE

To be honest, I chose this kit just for an element, the 
i never used in the end. Only reason it didnt get used is because 
there were so many gorgeous elements to choose from. I ended up making 
3 tags from this kit and each one is just a bit different.

Here are my designs:

CT Tut-Dean Yeagle Springtime Fun

This kit has such a springy feel that fits the type of weather we are having right now. It has tons of beautiful flowers, things that remind you of the beauty of spring...

Tutorial found

The kit below....You can find the kit and tube both at CDO

Sunday, December 13, 2015

CT Tag: CuddlyRigorMortis_81-3

Hey All! Tonight I am back again to share another 
Cuddly Rigor Mortis IB Kit by Ladyhawwk Designs.

With the classic Holiday Colors this Kit could fit a
lot of different holiday tubes.

Here is what i made using this kit and tube:

CT Timeline: CuddlyRigorMortis_67-1

Hey All! Tonight I have a new design i made with 
Ladyhawwk Designs' IB-CuddlyRigorMortis-67-1 Scrap Kit.

I love me some CRM art...and this went so well with this tube.

Here is what i made using this Kit and Tube:

CT Tag - Winter Cutie

LadyHawwk Designs
CDO Inspired by Maryline Cazenave BT - December 2015
Purchase HERE

Saturday, December 12, 2015

CT *IB-DeanYeagle-37-1*

CT Tag for Ladyhawwk Designs
I am featuring her *IB-DeanYeagle-37-1* Scrap Kit.
This scrap kit has sunny colored elements, frames, paper and word art.
You can close your eyes and imagine the smells of this warm sunny day. 
This Kit is ONLY available at CDO:
I am also using the art this kits was inspired for..
AND she is an adorable young lady, with puppy on separate layer

CT Tag - Nice Is Different From Good

LadyHawwk Designs
CDO Inspired by PinUpToons 194-2
Purchase HERE

CT Tags and Timeline Set - ScrapLHD_Amy Brown-Package 91

Made a couple SNAGS below
(Click to Enlarge - Right Click to Save)

Purchase the tube bundle exclusively at CDO
Bundle: HERE
or buy just the Tube Package: HERE
**This kit can only be used with this artists work
since the kit contains elements with the tubes