Sunday, November 29, 2015

CT Tag: The Season

Brand New Designs featuring The Season 
Kit by Ladyhawwk Designs.

Kit Found Here

Friday, November 27, 2015

CT Timeline - Beautiful You

CT Timeline for Ladyhawwk Designs using an incredible IB kit of a winery theme to it which, is just full of the wonder and beauty of a lush vineyard in bloom to perfection.  Enjoy the perfect wine-tasting moments of this season's best harvest as you work with this gorgeous kit with very authentic and stunning elements.  You can purchase her kit IB_AmyBrown 12-3 exclusively here at CDO.  I used with a very glamorous tube by Anna Liwanag - this particular tube is a retired bonus tube, however she has lots of stunning tubes available for purchase here at CDO.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

CT *Classy Christmas*

CT Tag for Ladyhawwk Designs
I am featuring her *Classy Christmas* Scrap Kit.
This scrap kit has gorgeous elements, frames, paper and Word Art,
in the most beautiful Christmas colors.....
This Kit is ONLY available at CDO:
I am the gorgeous art of Rachel Anderson

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

CT Tutorial - Tranquil Winter

CT Animated Tutorial - Tranquil Winter

Made using the art of Jennifer Janesko and a lovely wintery called Tranquil Winter kit by LHD Scraps
Second sample uses the art of PinUp Toons

Sunday, November 22, 2015

CT Tag - Classy Christmas

CT Tag for Ladyhawwk Designs using an incredible kit - Classy Christmas. This is kit is packed full of gorgeous and elegant elements that is just perfect to add a touch of elegance to those classy Christmas and holiday-themed tags and sets, which bring out the glitz and glam of the holiday season as we enjoy the sparkle of the decorations as well as the fantastic holiday parties. You can purchase her gorgeous kit exclusively at CDO here. This kit was absolutely amazing to work with and I chose to use with a gorgeous and classy tube by Jennifer Janesko, whose art tubes are also available at CDO here.

*CT Timeline Set* - The Season

Artwork ©Jennifer Janesko
Individual Tube 165-2
Purchase this tube at CDO

Ladyhawwk Designs Presents
"The Season"
Sold exclusively at CDO
The perfect addition to your holiday kits.

Friday, November 20, 2015

CT Tag *The Season*

CT Tag for Ladyhawwk Designs
I am featuring her *The Season* Scrap Kit.
This scrap kit has incredible elements, frames, paper and Word Art,
in the most elegant Christmas colors.....
This Kit is ONLY available at CDO:
I am the Art of Michi

CT Tut-Christmas Is Near

Using the beautiful Christmas kit by Ladyhawwk called The Season

Christmas is Near PTU Tutorial found

The beautiful kit that you will find at CDO

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Grape Destiny - CT Tag

CT Tag with ScrapLHD_IB-AmyBrown-12-3 which you can find here:

and a tube by Amy Brown which you can find here:


CT tag featuring art by Jennifer Janesko 
& IB Jennifer Janesko 146-1 Scrap by Ladyhawwk Designs.
She wishes to enjoy winter indoors -
away from the cold temperatures. She likes
the beauty of winter but the temperatures
are another matter. 

CDO Bundle Tags

LadyHawwk Designs
CDO Bundle Kit Vinegar Pack 10
Purchase HERE

 photo Vinegar-Fishwave-Cat.gif 

 photo Vinegar-Midnight Blues - Cat.gif 

 photo Vinegar-Wine-Cat.gif

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

CT Tag *IB-AnnaLiwang-Nov2015-bt*

CT Tag for Ladyhawwk Designs
I am featuring her *IB-AnnaLiwanag-Nov2015-bt* Scrap Kit.
This scrap kit has beautiful natural Western and Native American style
elements, frames, paper and word art in Browns, Creams and Turquoise 
This Kit is ONLY available at CDO:
I have paired this up with the amazing work by Ted Hammond

Monday, November 16, 2015

CT Timeline set for CDO Scrap CT & Ladyhawwk Designs using an oh-so-adorable kit IB-PinUp Toons 206-2.  Oh the fun of wintertime that it brings us.  This kit takes us back to our childhood in the fun of the winter's blanket of snow as it protects the earth and all the fun we have with the outdoor snow time activities.  Whether we be ice-skating, sledding, or just enjoying the snow - this kit brings it all to you.  You can purchase this kit exclusively at CDO here.  I made this timeline set using an adorable package by Karen Middleton, but hurry, this package is retiring at the end of December, so don't miss out!  You can purchase it at CDO here.

CDO Designers Christmas Collab 2015

LadyHawwk Designs
CDO Designers Christmas Collab
This scrap kit is no longer available

LadyHawwk Portion

CT Tutorial ~ Just A Country Girl PTU

New PTU Tutorial called Just A Country Girl 

CT Tut-Wine Nymph

A new tut using the beautiful IB Amy Brown 12-3 

Tutorial found

The beautiful kit is by Ladyhawwk Designs. Included in the preview of the kit is the matching tube that you will purchase seperately

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Alena Lazareva Bundle 11

CT tag & timeline set using the art of Alena Lazareva 
& scrap by Ladyhawwk Designs. You can find
both in the bundle package 11.
Together, they create a wonderful nature theme
with touches of fantasy throughout.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

CT Tag *IB-AmyBrown-12-3*

CT Tag for Ladyhawwk Designs
I am featuring her *IB-AmyBrown-12-3* Scrap Kit.
This scrap kit has gorgeous elements, frames, paper and Word Art.
Think Italy and wine making with some Fantasy thrown in. 
This Kit is ONLY available at CDO:
I am using the Amy Brown art that inspired this kit...